Ordinary people creating an extraordinary lifestyle




“Warm and welcoming, wild and artistic, calm and full of wisdom with a simple honesty that suits all.”

Claire, a massage and holistic therapy business owner for over 10 years, creating space for those who were tired, hurting mentally and physically, mentally exhausted and needing their own space to reenergise, find solace, talk and be heard. Prior to that working in a stressful corporate environment that left her drained and lost but she had a dream to build a home and a business where the sun shone most of the time… she found it in Cianciana, Sicily.



“Quiet and thoughtful, methodical and generous, providing stability, wisdom and a wealth of knowledge.”

Phil, with a background in the IT Industry for over 35 years, and a curious interest in all things ecological, bringing his wealth of experience to this land. Being able to create an environment where we enhance what nature has to offer, rather than fossil fuels is hugely important for our children, grandchildren and the future of the world as a whole. After redundancy, the vision for a new life, new lifestyle and a desire to see the world became a priority… he went searching, found Cianciana and never looked back.




Building Our Dream Home

We were at a point in our lives where we had the opportunity to ‘do something different’. It was proving impossibile to create what we wanted in the UK so we looked around the world for somewhere where we could. It was an ever-evolving vision; a home for sure and a business would be good we just weren’t sure what this looked like yet. Possibly holistic, possibly something with nature, possibly something else… so we gave up everything and left the UK shoreline for the stunning sunshine world of Sicily to find out. See House Build

Therapies at Guariscimi

For years “build it and they will come” has been in our thoughts and we decided to do just that. It had to be in nature; it had to be eco-friendly; it had to bring in an income without it causing stress and long hours so it had to be something we loved… we found the ideas came and went but gradually we settled with a plan that ticked all the requirements and ‘GUARISCIMI’, ‘YAMAS’ and ‘PASSAREDDU’ were born. Guarisicmi (Heal Me), a healing space for individuals and groups; holistic therapies, walk and talk sessions and retreats. Perfect. See Guariscmi

YAMAS Holiday Accommodation

Planning. Sicily. Patience. These have to be words that stick in our minds. We bought two storage containers to store our tools with the intent to create eco accomodation for guests. YAMAS, now the house is complete, is a work in progress but how beautiful this space will be. See yourself lying in bed watching the sun rise over the mountains and watching it set from the lounge window or decking area. Cooking in the open air kitchen and relaxing in the afternoon sun in the zen garden. Fresh food, Sicilian wine, sun, fresh air and peace and quiet in an off grid eco house. What could be more perfect?


Barefoot Farming

Being in harmony with the environment was forefront in our minds. Simple was the first word that came to mind, eco-friendly, health centred, and being community minded both in the build and the future. All that was left was to choose the places for the trees, vines and vegetables. This land had not been loved for many a year which made the first step very easy… clear, cutback, regenerate the soil. We have planted over 200 new trees and our vegetables are growing really well. Not bad for old soil and no experience!

Eco Living

Even before any spade had hit the earth, people needed to know who we were and what we were doing. In a small community that was easy but maybe they didn’t quite understand until we began. Future working with the community, in the community and for the future health of the community is key to the longevity of this project. Completely off grid; we have had to learn a whole new lifestyle. Being mindful of water usage, collecting water for reuse, no chemicals, solar power, and garden to table food.

Passareddu - The Artist Residency

Set up by a small group of artists and craftsmen, Passareddu is a multi cultural artist residency. A place for collaboration and contemplation, where creative minds can come together to produce and display their work. A space for artists. Inspirational countryside. Accommodation in exchange for artwork… all things natural. Creativity. Nature. Painting. Sculpture. Wood. Metal. Working with the land and all it holds. Pottery. Whatever is inside you, can be brought out here.


Our Values & Ethics

NO JUDGEMENT, PROMOTE KINDNESS - Create an environment that shows everyone who comes to the land kindness and shows no judgement of who they are or why they are with us in order that they may pay it forward when they leave us.

CARE FOR THE PLANET - Regenerating the soil, rebalancing our carbon footprint, educate family, friends and guests, be chemical free at home and the business, and organic self-sufficient agriculture, harnessing natural resources for our electricity. We would like each visitor to plant something whilst they are here.

VALUE FOR MONEY - We will charge a fair price but ensure we make it accessible for all.

RESPECT FOR NATURE AND FOR PEOPLE - All our policies will respect people from any country, race, creed or faith and the country we are living in. Looking for better ways to work as we learn more about our environment and what is possible.

COMMUNITY AND SUSTAINABILITY - We’re passionate about growing as much as we can on our sacred land; home grown tomatoes so juicy they almost burst, water melon oozing with hydration and what we can’t grow we carefully source from local growers. How wonderful to know exactly who has grown all that appears on your plate.

WATCH LISTEN LEARN AND EDUCATE - We are in a new environment, so it is crucial to speak to those who know the land and the country and the politics and ways of doing. We must respect their knowledge, listen, learn and when we are comfortable, educate those who pass through our space.


We encourage our visitors to take some time to make a lasting impression on the land here by planting a seedling to grow over the years; not only enhancing our environment with new life but also leaving an eco-friendly reminder of your stay with us.