It’s time for an adventure… an adventure within… an adventure into your own self…


  • 18-22 MARCH 2024

  • 03-07 APRIL 2024

  • 28 MAY - 01 JUNE 2024

  • 20-24 JUNE 2024

  • 23-27 SEPTEMBER 2024

A transformational retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.


You will not be the same woman leaving as the one that arrived (a good thing we promise).


GUARISCIMI simply means “HEAL ME” and what I hear so many times when I am speaking to people. Little do they know that they are the ones who end up doing the healing. I simply provide a safe, loving, healing space for them to go on the biggest, hardest, and yet most exciting adventure they can ever go on. An adventure into their own self. I will walk alongside, ask questions, observe, talk, listen, touch, but never do I need to advise, counsel, or provide answers, because all they need to know is already inside them; it simply needs the time and space to be heard.

A retreat to me is…

a space to reflect, to review, to grow and to become. A safe space made for you, where you can meet with like-minded people, leave technology behind, take therapy through massage, reiki and other holistic healing methods, eat healthily, relax, allow your mind to be free and to give yourself permission to release emotions that are keeping you ‘stuck’. In other words, this retreat has been carefully created to allow you to take time to ‘Reveal the Woman Within’ and go back to your world with an array of skills that you can draw upon to ensure that what you begin can be nurtured and grown at home.


None of it is complicated…

none of it is to test you (although it is challenging on many levels); it is a space you choose to step into if you have reached the point where you know your life (in fact you) can be, indeed must be, different. What that looks and feels like or evolves to be will be absolutely unique because you are unique and deserve to be at peace with both yourself and your life and achieve what we all seek – happiness.


And what do you get out of it…

This retreat is more than a break away. This retreat means working (on you), soul searching, facing yourself and taking a step back and asking who you really are and can you accept or change.  This is about stepping away from the ‘noise’ of day-to-day life and being quiet with nature and with yourself. 

This retreat offers a true transformational experience in a safe environment, the opportunity to be at one with nature, off grid, but with the luxury of a comfy bed, superb food and people who genuinely want you to be more when you leave.

This retreat is about stopping and asking yourself some pretty important questions, finding what peace means to you, taking in some much needed healing every single day and giving yourself permission to accept it.

This retreat is about celebration…

Celebrating you. Being surrounded by cheer leaders and being a cheer leader for others. This is being with likeminded people and knowing that every experience you have will be life affirming as well as life changing.

What you get out of it is entirely up to you. We will provide you with absolutely everything you need to make choices. We will provide you with a structure, opportunities, time, space, nature, superb food, comfortable accommodation, both a shoulder and a hug, as and when required, and will keep you protected and safe.

We pride ourselves on keeping our promises, but you are the other part of this contract, and what we must ask of you is that you come prepared to challenge yourself, physically and emotionally, be open, be courageous, respect others in the group (they are on a hard journey too), invite in as much as you can, release what you no longer need, and be willing to begin to ‘Reveal the Woman Within’ with an open heart. 

You will not be the same person as the one who arrived (a good thing we promise).

And how much does it cost?

This is not an easy subject I find because how do you put a price on your wellbeing, for this it is not only about healing, but about worth - I know mine and you will know yours - that is a promise.

Varying lengths of time with us, and varying options for accommodation prices reflect our ethos of providing value for money, whilst gifting you with a unique off-grid experience in the beauty of Sicily.

You see this retreat process is all about you. Whilst I have a selection of wonderful, nurturing, empowering healing modules, I want you to choose what feels right for where you are because that is where we begin - where you are.

If you are ready for this, let’s talk and ensure you get what you need, at a price that is affordable.


This is about empowering and providing a safe space for women and women are who I know. I know you and I know you can do this.

  • Small groups make this personal - never more than 4 women at one retreat.

  • We are completely off-grid, but that doesn’t mean you don’t find comfort here.

  • Amazing home cooked food provided.

  • You choose whether you join us at Guariscimi for 4 or 7 days

  • You can even choose to stay on and make this a holiday too - we have lots more to offer.

  • We can make this truly personal if you want a private retreat for just you or you and a friend.


    Exploring techniques to release thoughts, worries and anxieties that no longer serve you.


    Walking in the Platani Valley - sometimes talking, sometimes silence; always healing.


    Yoga style stretching and/or rope work - allowing our bodies to free up all that we hold onto.


    Understanding how our breath assists our healing process…. learning to breathe again.


    Relax and let go with a massage that meets you exactly where you are.


    Working with universal energy we heal ourselves mentally and physically.


    Meditation in a small group setting to find that quiet so hard to find during a busy day.


    Healing through sound via the singing bowl, or a journey through drumming.