She may have stepped in as the woman she is for the outside world but she stepped out the woman she is…

All you have to do is whisper “Guariscimi” and the journey begins…

Guariscimi means ‘heal me’ and that is exactly what we will do…together.

What does Guariscimi have to offer you?

Guariscimi is a place to heal and it is totally committed to making it your personal experience but it always begins with a massage… that is where the magic happens.

You deserve time out, you deserve to find peace, you deserve to be cared for and you deserve time set aside purely for you and your mental and physical health.

Days and times are flexible - remember this is about you, for you, because of you.


    Relax and let go with a massage that meets you exactly where you are.


    Working with universal energy we heal ourselves mentally and physically.


    Meditation in a small group setting to find that quiet so hard to find during a busy day.


    Healing through sound via the singing bowl, or a journey through drumming.


    Exploring techniques to release thoughts, worries and anxieties that no longer serve you.


    Walking in the Platani Valley - sometimes talking, sometimes silence; always healing.


    Yoga style stretching and/or rope work - allowing our bodies to free up all that we hold onto.


    Understanding how our breath assists our healing process…. learning to breathe again.




You will not be the same woman leaving as the one that arrived (a good thing we promise).



March 18 - 22

Mozzafiato, Cianciana, Sicily

A springtime retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.

An Easter retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.

A rejuvenating retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.

A warm summer sun retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.

April 03 - 07

Mozzafiato, Cianciana, Sicily

May 28 - June 01

Mozzafiato, Cianciana, Sicily

June 20 - 24

Mozzafiato, Cianciana, Sicily

Late summer sunshine - a retreat away from all the busyness of life, to the 9 acres of rolling Sicilian countryside. Staying in an off-grid container house, with healing experiences every day, (massage, reiki, gentle stretching, journaling, forest walks, conversation), all meals included. A safe space to rediscover you, what you want from life and more importantly, how to achieve it.

September 22 - 27

Mozzafiato, Cianciana, Sicily